Design an app logo, minimum $500 reward!

Hello guys, we're ID Guard Offline team.

As you can see, there have been great improvements in our password manager app, ID Guard Offline, in the past years, especially in security and features aspects. Users can manage their passwords even without 0 passwords!

To better show the 0 password and other various strong features, we now decided to rebrand our app. New name, Zero password manager. New logo? Waiting for you!

If you have any great ideas, time to show them up! At least $ 500 is waiting for you!




We will pick only one from all the submitted works as the new logo of our Zero password manager app.

The author of the winning logo will get $500. And yep, we'd like to add a bonus if the design is excellent!



Terms and conditions

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Thanks.
